The trailer launch of Kudumbasthan, a family drama starring Manikandan and Saanve Megghana, revealed the journey of its creators from digital content to mainstream cinema. The film, directed by Rajeshwar Kalisamy and produced by cinematographer S. Vinoth Kumar, is set to release in theaters on January 24.
“When we first conceptualized this story, I wanted to write an adventure film. Instead, we decided to explore family dynamics in contemporary times, which turned out to be an adventure in itself,” said Manikandan, who waited two and a half years to take on this role despite commitments to other projects.
The film emerged from the YouTube channel Nakkalites, marking a significant milestone for its creators. “This journey that started with our YouTube channel has now evolved into a full-fledged film,” said writer Prasanna Balachander. “Even though the title Kudumbasthan might sound traditional, the story remains fresh and relevant.”
Actor Guru Somasundaram, who attended the event, described the film as “a serious comedy story.” “I’m impressed by Manikandan’s work since Vikram Vedha and Kaala. The technical team’s dedication has been remarkable,” he noted.
Director Desingh Periyasamy shared a personal connection to the project, revealing producer Vinoth Kumar’s crucial support during his own film Kannum Kannum Kollaiyadithaal. “This is a realistic story where everyone has performed exceptionally,” he said.
The film features music and lyrics by Vaisagh, cinematography by Sujith Subramaniam, and editing by Kannan Balu, both of whom are making their debut with this project.