Actor Sathyaraj, known for his versatility and outspoken nature, recently discussed his role in the upcoming film Mazhai Pidikatha Manithan (One Who Does Not Like Rain), where he steps into a role originally intended for the late actor Vijayakanth. Sathyaraj also addressed rumors surrounding his participation in other projects, including a potential biopic on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his confirmed role in Rajinikanth’s highly expected film Coolie.
At the teaser launch of Mazhai Pidikatha Manithan, producer Dhananjayan explained the circumstances that led to Sathyaraj replacing Vijayakanth in the film. “We initially wanted Vijayakanth sir for the role, but due to his health issues, it wasn’t possible,” Dhananjayan explained. “After his passing, we considered using AI technology to recreate him, but that proved challenging. Sathyaraj sir was our natural next choice.”
Sathyaraj expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to honor his friend Vijayakanth. “It was a privilege to play the role intended for my dear friend Vijayakanth,” he shared. “I’m thankful to Vijay Antony, Dhananjayan, and Vijay Milton for this opportunity.” He added, “I always strive to bring my own unique style to my characters, particularly my satirical way of speaking. I was happy that the character in Mazhai Pidikatha Manithan allowed me to do that.”
The film’s teaser showcases Vijay Antony as a mysterious character with a hidden aversion to rain. “The film has shaped up very well,” Vijay Antony commented. “Vijay Milton, being a skilled cinematographer, has captured some stunning visuals in exotic locations like Daman and Diu and Goa.”
Megha Akash, the female lead, praised her experience working with Vijay Antony, calling it a valuable learning opportunity. Produced by Infinity Film Venture, the film also features Sarathkumar, Daali, Murali Sharma, and Pranathi. The music is composed by Achu Rajamani, with Vijay Antony contributing a song.
Addressing rumors about his involvement in a biopic on Prime Minister Modi, Sathyaraj stated that he would consider it under specific circumstances. “I might consider it if my late friend Manivannan were still around, as he could make a biopic closer to reality,” he remarked. “Or if directors like Pa Ranjith or Mari Selvaraj were to direct the film, I might act. They would portray the truth.”
He also confirmed his participation in Rajinikanth’s Coolie, putting to rest rumors of a rift between the two actors. This film marks their first collaboration since Mr Bharath in 1986. When asked about a potential role in Salman Khan’s upcoming project, Sathyaraj declined to comment, stating that any announcements would have to come from the production house.